User factoring stats page.

  Last update : 16 Oct 2024
Factoring  work :   777,344.172 P_II/400 CPU years
Ecm work : 39,997.633 P_II/400 CPU years
Gfn work : 163,246.953 P_II/400 CPU years
Dbl check work : 4,088.656 P_II/400 CPU years
Cumulative work : 984,677.414 P_II/400 CPU years

Active users : 11
Total users : 171


Lelio R. Paula


       Researcher         From N   To N   From k   To k   CPU time   Factoring type   Completion date 
Lelio R. Paula 6006191,200,000,000,0002,000,000,000,00053,004.154factoring2019-05-28
Lelio R. Paula 6106191,000,000,000,0001,200,000,000,0006,734.125factoring2018-12-25
Lelio R. Paula 2,4002,49915,000,000,00020,000,000,00026,721.068factoring2020-01-08
Lelio R. Paula 4,0014,1009,000,000,00010,000,000,00014,609.585gfn2023-04-04
Lelio R. Paula 5,0005,0992,500,000,0002,800,000,0006,810.979gfn2018-12-10
Lelio R. Paula 22,00024,9998,000,0009,000,00014,768.561gfn2018-07-11
Lelio R. Paula 22,00022,9999,000,00012,000,00013,522.260gfn2018-08-25
Lelio R. Paula 22,00022,99912,000,00016,000,00018,029.678gfn2018-11-26
Lelio R. Paula 35,00136,0006,000,00010,000,00044,880.878gfn2023-12-23
Lelio R. Paula 36,00037,0006,000,00010,000,00047,490.897gfn2024-02-12
Lelio R. Paula 37,00138,0006,000,00010,000,00050,079.835gfn2024-05-07
Lelio R. Paula 38,00139,0006,000,00010,000,00052,786.138gfn2024-06-29
Lelio R. Paula 39,00140,0006,000,00010,000,00055,563.658gfn2024-10-01
Lelio R. Paula 70,00071,000600,0001,000,00017,716.511gfn2022-07-16
Lelio R. Paula 135,000135,50050,0001,000,00077,505.299gfn2023-08-19
CPU time (PII/400 days)500,223.626

Copyright © MoreWare 2003 ... Last update Dec. 2007