Biography Pervushin - translation with russian language is fulfilled on an auto translator and is corrected Konstantin Knop. It is the authentic information is taken from archives, where lived Pervushin. For reading in the original in russian language click here.
![]() The autograph Pervushin with his accounts on the back of a photo. | ![]() PERVUSHIN |
A name of Ivan Mikheevich Pervushin's connects with Shadrinsk. Pervushin was the priest banished by imperial authorities in village Mehonskoe. His name for a long time was known in for Ural under a name of "priest - mathematician".
Pervushin was born on January 21, 1827 in town Lysve of the Perm area in family of the clergyman. Studied in the Perm spiritual school, in a seminary and spiritual academy, which has ended in Kazan in 1852. At final examinations there was an ingenious Russian mathematician Chebyshev, which asked to pay attention to the produced young man and the volume of the transactionses has presented him. Upon termination of a spiritual educational institution Pervushin was obliged to be for the priest; was at first in Perm, then was forced to move to deaf village Zamaraevo (Shadrinsk district), where has lived 25 years; here he has opened first school, issued a hand-written magazine " Shadrinsk the bulletin ". The first book of a magazine has quitted in January 1860, last - is stored in the beginning of 1861 - this transactions in Sverdlovsk regional state archive. In this magazine Pervushin has described in papers and notices local life of that time, severely abused the spiritual and society heads, for what many enemies have acquired to themselves.
In a village Zamaraevo Pervushin has made discovery of the number /"Pervushin's of number"/, that has brought to him world popularity. From Zamaraevo Pervushin in 1883 was trip in Shadrinsk. But also here Pervushin has composed article, in which has derided representatives of authority, for what was sent in 1887 in a village Mehonskoe, where he and has died of June 29, 1900.
The clothes of the priest did not hinder Pervushinó to be returned mathematician and to be in church only on a duty of the service, as she provided to him life. Pervushin was engaged on a number theory, he has specified largest of all prime numbers, known in that times widely known in mathematician under a title "Pervushin's of number".
The contemporary Pervushin's, known polar contributor the Ural writer A.D.Nosilov, frequently visiting Pervushin in a village Mehonskoe, has written paper "Priest-mathematician", which was located in a magazine "New time" for 6/VII-1896.
He was written: "... this the modest unknown worker of science ... All his spacious study was literally filled up with the different mathematical books, ... from a shelf the not less thick number theories ..., here books of famous mathematicians looked: Chebyshev, Legendre, Riemann, not considering already of those modern mathematical issuings, which sent to him Russian and foreign scientific mathematical societies. It seemed, I was not in a study of the village priest, and in a study any of the old professor of mathematics ... Besides that he mathematician, he still statisticer, meteorologer, correspondent".
In 1877 Pervushin dispatches Academies of sciences the first article about division of numbers. The next year he dispatches other work aboutdivision of number. And these two articles do him known mathematician. Both this articles Pervushin gain wide value. He prints the transactionses in different Russian and foreign mathematical magazines. The scientific mathematical societies select by his real term.
Him know in America, in Italy, in France ... he consist by the term -correspondent of the Parisian Academy of sciences.
Consisting public 1-st Shadrinsk of the District convention in 1870, Pervushin converted to the convention with the application for necessity " of the prompt audit of schools "... And necessity of discovery a school of Advice and assignment of terms a school of Advice.
The application is dated back from September 25, 1870.
Pervushin has specified the largest prime number:
261-1 = 2305843009213693951.
Was engaged in compilation of the tables of prime numbers, their differences and sums — an extensive transactions recognized by an academy of sciences rather useful. In 1893 Pervushin has transmitted on a mathematical congress in Chicago the note " About the best check of arithmetic operations above huge numbers at a means of dividers: 103-2 = 998, 104-2 = 9998 ". It was the sole work which has arrived on this Congress from Russia. Then has presented operation About quantifying of prime numbers in known limits", written on this subject, which was offered by the Neapolitan academy of a physical and mathematical royal society.
Pervushin has found, that some numbers such as 22^m-1, considered till now in science simple, are actually divided
In 1877 and in the beginning of 1878 Pervushin has presented to an academy of sciences of operation about divisibility of number 22^12 + 1 on a prime number 7*214+1=114689 and number 22^23 + 1 on a divider 5*225+1=167772161